A high percentage of patients with Central Sensitivity Syndrome have sensitivity to food, chemicals and respiratory allergens or antigens.
New lines of research
Personalised and individualised diagnostics

Anthropometric studies
Another tool for diagnosing and treating the disease is to analyse and evaluate body composition as it can directly influence the pain points in FM.

Histamine Measurement Test (HMT)
HMT involves incubating the patient's blood with various food antigens and measuring the presence of histamine.

Intestinal Permeability Test (IPT)
This test evaluates the correct functioning of the intestinal barrier. If intestinal permeability is high, the integrity of the intestinal mucosa is being lost, and vice versa.

Oxidative stress (EDEL)
This is a medical test that seeks to determine the antioxidant power in the blood, an excess of oxidant molecules in the body or a systematic deficit of antioxidants.

Study of rare diseases (EDER)
Many of the symptoms experienced in rare diseases such as Pompe, Gaucher and Fabry are the same as those of Central Sensitivity Syndrome.

It involves studying body temperature, since controlling it can influence the pain points in patients with Fibromyalgia.